Sunday 10 May 2009

Several Ways to make Margate even Happier

So Margate's a happy place. But what could make it happier? I have five ideas.

#1. Sour Cherry Loaf. Sorta like a fancy fruit loaf. (We bought this one from the new deli in Summer Hill).

#2 Sweet Belem Portuguese Custard Tarts. Flaky pastry, delicious custard, sprinkled cinnamon. Don't let the pigeons get 'em.

#3 Shenkin. Nick and I have been drinking a whole lotta great coffee at this little haven of happiness.

#4 Beer from Martin Luther's House. Suds brought it back from Europe. It's from a house where Martin Luther lived in Wittenberg.

#5 Rauchbier (Smokebeer). Best enjoyed with a German friend, incidentally. Brewed according to Reinheitsgebot, but they manage to squeeze the smoke in there somehow :)


Nick G said...

Is that a hand-drawn papyrus sign in that shot of Shenkin?

Bernard said...

Ummm. You mean the writing on the blackboard over the glass cabinet? I guess so!

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