Tuesday, 28 August 2007

A Window on my Miscellany

Life at college has been in something of a lull recently. Not that it's been boring, not that that there's been nothing to do - it just hasn't been hectic. So I thought I'd tell you about a few disconnected little things that have either surprised me or taken my interest or whatever.

Engage Conference - Starting this year, these smart-thinking Sydney Anglicans are running a Bible conference just for workers: Engage. What a brilliant idea! Tasmania, I think we need one :)

Deuteronomy Essay - My Old Testament essay is about the relationship between Israel (God's special, chosen people) and the nations around them, particularly in the book of Deuteronomy. It's proving a really great topic.

Hugh Palmer - I don't think I've heard better preaching while being in Sydney than I have in the last 8 days: 5 sermons by Hugh Palmer. Hugh's from All Soul's in London (John Stott's old church). His preaching reminded me heaps of David Jones' style. Some of his sermons will soon be available from the Cathedral.

Holman v ESV - (This is a total Bible-nerd comment) Ok, this was a surprise to me. I had thoroughly expected everyone up here to rave about the ESV when I first arrived. Not so. If anything, the Bible that gets the big props is the Holman Christian Standard Bible. Cheap, too (from Moore Books, anyway).


Mikey Lynch said...

i'll show you my miscellany if you show me yours!

nice to be seeing regular posts from you guys.

apart from the retarded name 'engage' i like the idea of the workers conference, *if* it's being done in a Tim Keller, renewing the city sort of way.

on the other hand, if it's just 'workers are a demographic that we want to train to do biblical theology' then i'm not *so* pumped.

love to you and the family, mate.

Bernard said...

Nice thought Mikey.

Certainly, the way Engage is being marketed I think it has a cool angle to it. Maybe not as cool, and culturally in touch as Tim Keller; but my impression is that it's somewhere along that track. (After all, this is Sydney, not New York... or Melbourne :p )