Friday 23 November 2007

That's That

First year of Moore College is all done! We finished with the Doctrine paper yesterday, and today was the final chapel and college lunch for the year: complete with prawns (!) and yummy icecreams.

Exams were all ok. The papers ranged from very straight-down-the-line (predictable), to really quite quirky and tricky. On the whole, I'm happy with how it all turned out, and very satisfied to be all-finished.

We have some holiday work to do. There are a couple of hundred pages of Calvin's Institutes to read, a Greek assignment, and a Hebrew assignment. I'm hoping to take the slow-and-steady approach. That seems to have worked pretty well for me through the year, and I'm hoping it'll make it more fun.

Before we come home we have a few cool things planned: arvo tea with Brendon and Hunnah, dinner at a Uighur restaurant, Christmas celebrations with the Hansard rellies. And we have some less-cool things planned: cleaning, packing, living out of suitcases ;)

I keep seeing ads for Tasmania on the tv... Not long now!

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