Wednesday, 19 August 2009

Read, Write, Nerd.

The other day, a student making an announcement over lunch had the audacity to preface his announcement with this qualification:

'This announcement isn't just for the nerds, ok?'

Please. It's a Bible College.

Two high points from this last week or so...
  • Read. Holiness, by John Webster.
  • Write. Today I handed in an exegetical paper, which is like writing a bit of commentary on a passage of the Bible (i.e. what's this bit of the Bible on about, in its context). The paper was on Psalm 96. For some reason I didn't really like what I came up with much at all. I'm glad it's finished.
The next major assessment isn't due for ages, but it's a killer: Ethics essay. I'm looking at Oliver O'Donovan.


lukeisham said...

Hi Nick,

What's your Ethics text book?

Bernard said...

Hi Seth (!),

Hmmm. We have several substantial set readings. But I think the short answer is:

Michael Hill, The How and Why of Love - a great book, in my opinion.

There are several others:
- Kyle Fedler's Exploring Christian Ethics is very introductory.
- Christopher Ash, Marriage is excellent.
- Gilbert Meilander, Bioethics, which I've not read.
- Brian Rosner, Greed as Idolatry, which is quite good, but lengthy for what it says.

We read a bit of O'Donovan, but not heaps. His influence in Hill is, however, pretty obvious.

lukeisham said...

Sorry Bernard,

Good call. Thanks for the recommendations.