Thursday, 7 February 2008

Our Backyard and The Fall

Yep. Two totally disconnected things that I wanted to tell you all about. I guess I've enjoyed both of them this Summer (that's as near to a common theme as we'll get!)...

First our backyard. Negatively: it's tiny, it's something of a thoroughfare, I've killed two nasty spiders there. Positively: there's dirt (now the home of some herbs and veggies), Noah likes it.

But the coolest thing about our yard is that it backs onto this yard - the communal grounds of the main College property out here.This is the view out of our back door and over our fence (no, we don't have a gate directly onto the lawns). The sandpit, the trampolines, the space. Who'd have thought that this is Sydney!?

Ok, secondly: The Fall, by Camus. I love it. Read it. I know I write a lot about books on this blog, but this is one that I really like. It's not a Christian book by any means (Camus was an existential philsopher from mid last century). I'll contain myself to two comments.
  1. I think one of the biggest things that draws me to Camus is that he describes a 'liveable' atheism. i.e. If God had never made himself known, if Jesus never came - this is (horrific) life.
  2. Camus really understands people. The Fall reads a bit like The Screwtape Letters - it's very perceptive about the stuff that lurks around in our hearts and minds.
Two disconnected things :)


Nikki Lynch said...


Thanks for the picture of your 'backyard', I was wondering how Katie could be so excited about a bit of sydney lanscape!

Ok, you owe me a book-lend....I love Camus and havent read The Fall. If you own it bring it with you next time.

LUv nikki

Bernard said...

No sweat Nikki :)