Friday 18 January 2008

Return of the Tasmanians

Well folks, heaps has happened since the last post. I'll just give you a few highlights...

Back in December, we packed up our place in Darlington and popped it all into Nana and Pa's garage. It was a mighty effort by all concerned - including Noah - it involved my first time driving a truck (in Sydney traffic!) and a bunch of wonderful friends helping out.
We then spent five weeks in lovely Tassie. Suds and Del (friends from Sydney) popped down for a visit. And otherwise we spent the time catching up with friends and family, eating Chrissie food, playing at the beach, and all the other great stuff of holidays :)
Kate and I even managed to spend a night away at a B & B down along the Huon River. I've been down that way a million times, but it struck me on this trip, especially, just how beautiful it is.
And then there's the return journey... whoa! Ok, in two parts.

Part 1: Me. I drove back (a little before Kate's return). I realised that the only way to do the Spirit of Tasmania was a day-sailing: no sleep deprivation, no horror-snoring-stories. I then slept at Tracey's place and met a bunch of her wonderful friends and housemates - thanks for the lamb, Phil. Even Manny came over to say hello.

The following morning I embarked on the longest single-day's driving of my life. Left at 7am, arrived at just before 6:30pm. It actually wasn't nearly as bad as I'd expected. I had a few fun stops, a nice lunch in Jugiong (at the Long Track Cafe), and then this...Suddenly the traffic had bunched up (see the rear-view mirror) and was absolutely crawling... the next thing I know there's this. What you can't see in the picture is the owner taking a photo just to the right of the picture - I guess there wasn't much else to do! Maybe he put it on his blog ;)

Oh yeah - and I managed to get a (fleeting) picture of this little spot. Four of you out there should know it: it's the entry to a truck stop just north of Yass. The site of the famous Skyline Club 5 breakdown of 2000.Part 2: Katie's journey. I'll leave it for her to tell, I think, but in short the plane ride with Noah was remarkably painless. Noah was great. They arrived in one piece. And we were back together again :)

Two of my favourite people in the world at the moment are Aidan and Uncle Bruce. They were the guys who helped me (one at each end) with re-loading the truck and then unloading our things at our new home. - our lovely new home, which is working out really well... but that's for another post. Anyway, it was very heavy work and they were both brilliant. Thanks guys.

1 comment:

Ami said...

Glad to hear you are all back safe and sound, and settling into your new place. It was so good to see you all over the summer. Hopefully we will make it up to Sydney to visit you during the year. I just finished my first week of work.... I'm so exhausted - I think I need to sleep all weekend! Oh no, that's right, I can't - I have to go back in on sunday :(