Monday, 15 June 2009

Ends. And Relief.

These last few weeks have really taken their toll on me, I think. There have been a bunch of wonderful things happening, but it's all left me feeling pretty drained. But two things ended today, which spells relief, in some measure.

The last in a long line of stressful things happened earlier today: my final Hebrew test. Yup. The last one. Last. Done. Finished. No more.

The second thing (also today) was this: the end of semester one. Just one more semester to go for my degree!

In the Hebrew test, here's what I was confronted with:

The test was actually pretty cool. I don't mean I did well (I did ok). I mean I liked the questions. Here's the format:
  • You're faced with that bulk of text. You give two translations: one that's close to the Hebrew, if clunky; one that's smoother. Then you have to comment on what's gained and lost in smoothing it out.
Ahhh. Holidays. Please pray we get some great rest and time to reconnect.

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