Sunday, 15 November 2009

Two More

'When one catches the power of Paul's vision of the human plight... one can hardly imagine that it was eclipsed by the Jew-Gentile relationship'
How does an understanding of Paul's anthropology affect one's assessment of the so-called new Perspective on Paul?

That was one of the three questions that I knew how to answer, did answer, and did a fairly mediocre job of answering in this afternoon's New Testament Theology exam. Ah well.

The exam was pretty good in terms of the questions that were available. And, thankfully, I was feeling fine--my cold has all but gone, now. Praise the Lord! I was even able to get some study done over the course of the weekend, despite feeling rather headachey and yuck :(

Tomorrow we'll complete the New Testament pair, with Exegesis (i.e. translation and commenting on the meaning of short passages). And then there's just doctrine, on Thursday.

I can almost see the end of it all!

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