Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Doctrine Awaits

Just one more... the end is nigh. (Doctrine on Thursday)

This afternoon we sat the New Testament exegesis exam. Nick commented, just before we started, that there had been more laughing around the college today. I wondered if it was because people felt more confident. Nick said, no, people are just increasingly tired, and with tiredness comes silliness, in spades.

Nick was right.

The format of today's NT3 exam was novel, and I kinda like the changes. In the third section we were given a pair of sentences (in Greek, with no verse numbering or reference), each taken from different parts of 1 Corinthians (or Luke-Acts, if that's your thing). We then had to talk about the significance of those two sentences for the theology of the whole book.

One to go, people.

1 comment:

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

So close... bring on Thursday!