Tuesday, 10 November 2009

The Rest of my Hebrew Days - Day One

I just did the first Hebrew vocab training of the rest of my life. No tests to study for. No set texts to master. Just for the value of it.

I got 4 words wrong (of 111).

I've yet to figure out what a reasonable target is for vocabulary learning (over the long term) in Hebrew. I'll try to increase my vocab to some fixed number of uses in the OT (e.g. learn all words used 50 times or more in the OT). And then I reckon I'll try to have some passages/books that I've mastered down to the hapax (single occurence of a word).

Any advice?


Nick said...

You're keen! Here are my calculations. I reckon I want to aim for getting it down to 20 longer-term.

Total OT
Diff words: 9366
Total word count: 426818

Down to 50
Diff words: 744
% of total word count: 86.7

Down to 20
Diff words: 1546
% of total word count: 92.7

Bernard said...

Thanks Nick.

I reckon 20 is quite do-able then.

My vocab file tells me I've got about 1200 words at the moment. Maybe 50 of those are duplicates. And I think it's very manageable at the moment.

Ben Hudson said...

Here's a handy Accordance trick I worked out.

If you go search by 'Words' then type in:

[Range Ezekiel 36] <and> [Count 1-50]

It will highlight in red all the words you don't know. Means you can freely 'hover' those ones and rack your memory for the rest.

p.s. if a verse has no such words in it, it will not show up in the results - so you sometimes need to step up the number of 'context' verses.

Sorry to non Accordance people. Works for Greek too. And English :)

Bernard said...

Nice Ben. Thanks heaps :)

I know there are instructions and help menus and everything, but basically I rely on either tinkering around myself or awesome tips like that to teach me how to use my programs!

John Dekker said...

Someone asked me today how good my Hebrew was. I had no idea what to say.

I found this book quite useful. And yes, it's the vocab that's far and away the biggest challenge.

Bernard said...

Thanks John :)

I'll check out the book.

fional said...

I wonder if these sort of goals are a male thing? I have no particular target in mind - I just want to establish sustainable *behaviour* that will see me improve over time.

Bernard said...

Mmm. Maybe so. I love Nick's number crunching stuff...

However, I'm totally with you on the behaviour stuff, too. I guess I'm thinking the vocab-targets will make the day-to-day reading more enjoyable and beneficial.